赛事首页 | U.S.Kids Golf | Teen Championship | 广东高协 | 比赛章程 | 报名表 | 第一届 | 第二届 | 第三届 | 第四届 | 第五届
日程安排 | 金湾球会介绍 | 比赛球道图 | 球场攻略 | 球场交通 | 指定洒店 | 合作媒体 | 赛事通告 | 比赛成绩 | 精彩照片 | 历届冠军榜

  On behalf of Pure Lead Golf Ltd. We are pleased to announce our cooperation with the USKG and thank them for this opportunity.  Our goals are similar in promoting junior golf in China to the highest level possible.  The USKG programs have been extremely valuable to the success of young talent in America and will continue to grow in China.  The clinic we are hosting at the upcoming tournament will offer some of the newest ideas in swing technique, practice habits, short game and course management.  These are just a few of the many ideas we are innovating and sharing with our current students.  Success for Pure Lead Golf Ltd. comes from watching our students succeed.  Over 2009 we saw a consistent pattern of great play at all age levels.  We expect much of the same and hope to raise the bar even higher in 2010.  The cooperation and clinic with the USKG is a great way to kick off the New Year.  We wish all players and families the best of luck on continued success!


                            华侨城利百特高尔夫学校 安迪·利百特


深圳市福田区彩田路中银花园南商阁30B 邮编:518026
TEL:86-755-82469799 FAX:86-755-83517276 E-MAIL:uskidsgolf@china.com
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